Growing for Good

Our goal of coexistence with society and nature has been deeply ingrained in our company culture since Suntory’s foundation in 1899.

Previous Sustainability Reports

SBFE Sustainability Report 2022

SBFE Sustainability Report 2021/2022

Our Sustainability Priorities

We are committed to positive change to realise our company purpose. Our sustainability goals and commitments are all aligned to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, and we have grouped our actions into four focus areas that you can read more about here.

icon water

Our Resources:

Preserve water, reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and use less and better packaging

icon drink

Our Drinks:

Reducing sugar and creating healthier drinks for the benefit of our consumers

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Our People:

A commitment to inclusiveness, diversity and enabling the wellbeing and development of our employees

icon society

Our Society:

Supporting the communities in which we live and operate to enrich everyday lives

crop field with tractor

Planet: Our Resources

We are committed to protecting our environment for future generations by minimising our use of resources. To do this, we look at the whole product lifecycle, from the farms where we grow and source our ingredients right through to the product’s end of life, or next life.

Water reduction:

35% less water usage in our manufacturing sites globally by 2030

Greenhouse Gas reduction:

50% from manufacturing (scope 1+2)
and 30% from our value chain (scope 3) by 2030

Net Zero emissions:

Net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner

Sustainable packaging:

Remove, reduce, reuse, recycle and moving to 100% recycled plastic

Zero Waste:

to landfill

50% Food Waste:

reduction from production by 2030

Products: Our Drinks

Our drinks are constantly evolving to be better: tastier, healthier and more sustainable.

To achieve that, we are constantly innovating to reduce added sugar in our drinks, making sure we have different pack sizes to help with portion control and creating new zero and lower calorie variants for our most popular brands.

lady drinking ribena

Sugar reduction:

35% Added sugar reduction by 2025 versus 2015

Increase low and no sugar drinks:

Double the volume of drinks sold with sugar
< 5 g/100ml 2015-2025

More natural:

Reduce artificial colours and flavours

people our society

People: Our Society

We are passionate about giving back to society. We have local programmes and initiatives where employees can collaborate with charities and other local institutions to create a better environment and improve other people’s lives.

Positive change in our society starts within our business as well. We work closely with all of our suppliers and partners to make sure human rights and the highest ethical standards are respected at every point of our supply chain.